Cross Compare

Understand how to answer industry questions with Cross Compare

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Written by Product Education
Updated over a week ago

With the Cross Compare chart you can rank the Top 10s across multiple combinations. For example: see the Top 10 markets across the most in demand TV shows or vise versa.

Explore the following questions:

  • What are the Top 10 action shows in each market in my region?

  • How are different platforms' originals slates performing in each market?

  • What are the Top 10 genres in each market in my region?


For this example, let's get an at-a-glance view of the Top 10 school-kids shows across markets in the LATAM region in Q4 2022.

Navigate to the Cross Compare Analyze module from the side menu. Note that you can then easily switch between viewing markets by shows, platforms or genres.

For this example, we stay on the Markets by Shows view.

Under TV Content, select LATAM within Regions > Pre-set Regions. Note that you can also create your own custom regions.

We want to look at the demand in Q4 2022 so we select this in the Time section.

The Gene Filter allows you to further refine your analysis. For example, you can select a specific Genre, in this case we select School-kids.

This analysis provides you with a quick at-a-glance comparison of the Top 10 kids shows that were in high demand in Q4 2022 in LATAM.

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