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Understand how to answer industry questions with the leaderboard

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Written by Product Education
Updated over 12 months ago

The Leaderboard shows a complete ranking of all TV shows, movies, talent based on a selected market, time period and gene filters.

Explore the following questions:

  • What content is most popular in my market or on a global scale?

  • How does an individual's popularity compare against other global talent?

  • Which older movies should be considered for acquisition or revival?

Getting the most out of the Leaderboard

The TV & Movie Leaderboards are combined so you can view both TV shows and movies in a unified, ranked list. You can simply toggle between showing both or either shows and movies.

Custom Portfolios

If you want to rank only a curated list of titles on the Leaderboard, setting up a Custom Portfolio is the best way to achieve this. Select a previously created Custom Portfolio or create one on the fly.


Filters allow you to narrow down your selection of content or talent, e.g. you can filter the leaderboard down to just Digital Originals under Release Type.

Sort by

The Leaderboard is sorted by Demand by default but you can also change the sorting order to other columns like Pulse Metric, Change in Rank, Gender, Generation and more.

You can change the sorting order in the Sort By section or by directly clicking on the column.

Filter by Bookmarks

Bookmark titles or talent directly from the leaderboard and filter the leaderboard to only your bookmarks. Learn more about the power of Bookmarks.

Export Data

Quickly download a CSV file of your analysis with the download function.

Navigate to the details page

Expand a title or talent from the leaderboard and click on "View Details" for a title or talent deep dive on the profile page.

πŸ’‘Tip: Watch a quick tutorial to see the above tips in action.

Questions Answered by the Leaderboard

TV Leaderboard Example 1: What scripted, crime content is most popular in the US?

Filter the leaderboard with the genre and series type gene filters.

TV Leaderboard Example 2: What are the most in-demand TV shows Steve Carell has acted in?

Filter by Talent (Cast) Steve Carell and select Profession Actor. Learn more about the Talent (Cast) filter.

TV Leaderboard Example 3: What TV shows that are available in the US show exceptional demand with Gen Z, ranked by most male to most female?

Filter by Platform Avails US, Gen Z Audience Skew and Exceptional Demand. Then Rank by Gender.

Talent Leaderboard Example: Who are the most popular actors amongst a female, Gen Z skewing audience worldwide?

Filter the leaderboard with the main profession and audience filters.

Movie Leaderboard Example: Which older movies should be considered for acquisition or revival?

In the example below, we analyze the demand for movies released in the 1980s. They all have Outstanding demand levels, which puts them in the top 3% of all movies today. Exploring the leaderboard highlights 1980’s movie that are ripe for a reboot or acquisition.

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